My world has been opened up to going back to a simple way of life. Things are happening gently. My twin sister Eileen and I along with Eileen's daughter Jo and her husband James have dug up the back garden and built raised garden beds to grow our own vegetables. Above is a picture of James & Joseph with the Kanga digging up the yard and what the garden looked like the day the tornado took out the fences.
On my 5oth birthday I was given two chooks. It was the best present and there started my love of "the girls" (Henrietta and Hegatty). I now have 7. 3 Isa Brown's and 4 American Highlines. The 4 Highlines are in a yard behind me in a house we call St. Michael's and where we run S.O.U.L. Soup Patrol from and the 3 Isa Brown's are at the side of my house.