New Addition
My sister-in-law Nola breeds different kinds of chickens and today gave me this beautiful silkie who I have named "Ruby". She was a hit at a 3 year old birthday party that I attended today. I have made a nice home in one of the coops and will keep her separated for a week or so until the "other girls" get used to her. The chickens are doing well and are very content under their heat lamp. I buried the rest of the eggs today from the incubator and found that their was a dead chick in one and the rest were infertile. I have really enjoyed this experience and yesterday I spent a great deal of time researching home made incubators. The link is There are some really great incubators on here and I have started collecting all I need to build one and went over to James this morning and he will help me to put it together. I will post the photo's on here as it comes together. Such a great project especially if you have children.