Vegetable Garden

I have been doing a lot of research on creating gardens using the wicking method.  The garden beds above will be changed eventually to this method.  Basically it feeds the plants from the roots up and there is no wastage of water.  Eileen and Lisa came home a few months ago with a van load of pine which Mark generously cut to size for me.  This week I have been nailing the pine in and creating an edge.  The white frames are pvc pipes cut in two metre lengths.  I will cover these with shade cloth.  This is going to protect my plants from insects, cold weather and my chooks when they free range.  My next project is to use a gazebo that is minus its cover and build a shade house where I can start my seedlings. I am going to start off with foam boxes and use the wicking method.  There is a lot of wonderful information at I will keep you posted as I learn the techniques.


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