Night Prayers
We have been praying the last couple of nights out in the grotto and it is such a beautiful place to pray. . Yesterday we had a couple of groups of visitors and one group there was a priest who commented when he saw the grotto "this is a holy place" and knelt down to pray. In the next couple of weeks we will be cutting the tree back and removing the umbrella and cleaning the concrete.
This is the message that was received the night that we have finished the railing and kneeler
7th October 2010 (Night Prayer)
Thank you for the respect you have shown - for where you pray is holy ground and it is only right that reverence should be given. Many of God’s people have forgotten to be reverent and respectful when they come to the Holy Altar of the Lord or they pass in front of My Tabernacle. They have forgotten My hidden presence under the appearance of bread and wine-. My shepherds have lost their way. My shepherds must guide My people by the reverence they give to their Lord and God. Now is not the time to be casual and ignorant to My truth. All will be judged – the goats must be sorted out from the sheep. Give honour to your Lord and King. Do not forget My presence. Come to Me in adoration. Spend time with Me in front of My tabernacle. Listen and learn from Me for I am meek and humble of heart. Read again Ezekiel 34: 8-16. I am your Good Shepherd. I will bring back My scattered sheep into the fold. There is only one shepherd and one fold. I am that Shepherd. It is time for My lost and forsaken sheep to come back to me with contrite hearts. All of God’s people must be purified in body, mind and soul. No one can enter the sheepfold unless they pass through the gate. I am the gate to the sheepfold. I will not forget My people for I have carved you on the palm of My hand. Come to Me and I will give you rest for your soul. Yes My little ones pray fervent prayers for My shepherds. Your prayers do help. Work humbly in the background to further God’s Kingdom. Pray prayers of protection for the Bride of Christ as the purification of My Bride must be accomplished. The old ways must die away for the new to rise up. Out of the ashes My Bride will arise. It is time – your preparation is almost complete. Stay awake for you do not know the time or place when you will be called to give an account as to how you have lived your life. Be holy as I your Lord and God am holy.