Following in Mum's Footsteps

 Today Eileen and I went out with our brother Noel and picked up onions that had been rejected when the onions were harvested.  Apparently the machine spits out onions that are too small.  These are perfect for pickling.  Our Mum Joy every Christmas would make bottles and bottles of pickle onions that she would give away as presents.  Now all we have to do is peel the onions and make up the vinegar that goes over the onions once they are put in bottles.

Farmhouse Cheddar

This week I have started making cheese in time for Christmas.  On Tuesday I made Camembert and today I have made Farmhouse Cheddar.  My brother Noel lent me a grape press for try and press olives earlier in the year.  I decided I would see how the press went pressing some cheese before I give it back to him.  I will keep you posted how I go.


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