
On the course run by Carol from www.culturedliving.com.au we were also given a SCOBY which stands for Symbiotic Colony of Bacteria and Yeast in a cup of starter tea.  This was enough to make a litre of Kombucha.

When I got home I made a brew of two lipton tea bags in rain water and a 1/4 cup of sugar (you can use filtered water but not tap water).  When it has cooled to room temperature it goes into a glass jar with the starter liquid and Scoby.  I covered the top with a piece of muslin cloth and an elastic band and placed it into a dark cupboard for 7 to 14 days.  After 7 days I took off a cup of liquid and put the Scoby into this.  I then bottled in Fowler's Vacola bottles and added Watermelon and coconut water in a ration of 80% Kombucha to 20% fruit or juice.  In another I cut up orange and lemon and put that in and the other lemon and ginger.  These will stay in the cupboard for a couple of days and each day I will burp them so that there is not a build up of gas and they don't explode.  These will then go into the fridge and be served cold.  I also made up another batch of tea and this time did 6.5 cups of rain water into a saucepan and heated to nearly boiling.  I added 4 tea bags and let it steep for 10 mins.  I then strained and left this cool to room temperature.  I then added the scoby and the one cup of saved Kombucha to this to start the proceed all over again.  What will happen is the scoby will grow a baby and you can separate and pass this on to friends or family.  Some people put them into what they call a Scoby hotel which is the tea brew and sugar.  Some give away others feed to their chickens or compost.  I will let you know in future posts as to what flavours I have enjoyed.


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